Audrey does a great impression of Napoleon. She has quite the knack for imitating and even creating characters. One of my favorites used to be her soulful rendition of the national anthem as sung by someone like Patti LaBelle or Aretha Franklin. It's too bad she never did get the chance to sing it officially at a peewee baseball game or a Star Trek convention.
Here is the praying mantis that came to dinner one evening some time back. We live on a hillside with all natural landscape, so our home is guest to various types of critters. We've had those bugs that look like a stick - just like the one in the movie "Bug's Life". We've had wasps, various kinds of beetles, butterflies, snakes (but not as many as we thought we would have here), frogs, giant moths like the one shown below, some 1/2" dark
gray, segmented worms that get in the house, die and get hard, ants, raccoons, foxes, wild cats, pack rats and our very favorite - the skunks who lived under one deck for awhile and managed to wake us up many nights with their pungent perfume. So far this year, we have not had a problem, but that is probably because we had all of our decks replaced and it disrupted their home life. During the skunk spring and summer years we investigated all kinds of ways to try and rid ourselves of them. We live outside of the city limits and our neighbor apparently has shot a couple of them. Neither one of us is a sharp shooter or furry animal killer, so that was not an option. Another Internet suggestion was to trap the skunk in a specially made trapping cage ($$$) with food containing a sedative and then take the cage to a river and drown the skunk. We don't like skunks, but that was just about the meanest thing I ever heard to do to an animal. Plus, we figured we would end up trapping and sedating one of the neighborhood cats. I also read that if you spread moth balls around the property, it wards them off, but the thought of smelling moth balls was almost as bad as smelling skunks. We just waited and now it seems our patience has paid off. We won't have to "off" the skunks now.
That's about it for now. I spent a great deal of time trying to get the Starla poster into jpeg format that would download and ended up putting it in the scanner. However, I'm sure when I learn how to use the millions of Corel PHOTO-PAINT options in my new software, it will be much simpler (?)
You forgot to mention that we have 2 fish tanks, one which even has a working "bubble treasure chest". Also, as soon as possible we will be buying Andy a new wire rat cage (much bigger) and then the glass aquarium that she is currently living in will become another fish tank. Oh, and Jonathan is always pushing for a "talking parrot", Which he wants to keep on his shoulder. Seriously. If it were a joke it would be funny, sadly, it is not. He also pushes for a monkey in a diaper, or one of these http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.zoo.utas.edu.au/tfprofiles/tasanimals/flyn.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.zoo.utas.edu.au/tfprofiles/tasanimals/Sugarglider2.htm&h=257&w=261&sz=9&hl=en&start=2&sig2=JsO50jNYdTGpPIFyXOJUEQ&um=1&tbnid=cbLg6lxh7PkiwM:&tbnh=110&tbnw=112&ei=Zxe3RtHhLqLQeOP55NMK&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsugar%2Bglider%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3DGGLJ,GGLJ:2006-34,GGLJ:en%26sa%3DX. Again, he is serious. I think he is a worse animal colecotr tan me. I fear what may happen when we purchase a home. We will probably have a lygar living in our back yard, it's like a lion and a tiger mixed, its pretty much my favorite animal ever.
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