This is a loud family. It also doesn't help that 21 people were stuffed into a too small family room either. We ate, we white elephant gifted, we all talked a once, we watched the only baby aged child balance precariously on the glass topped table until Uncle Merle felt compelled to intervene, the women discussed childbirth topics in some detail leaving little to the imagination and then everyone left in stages. Quietness reigned and it was good. Here are two of my nieces, who early on discovered our big bed and decided to snuggle down.

Christmas is over now and I always feel a sort of relief that some of the holiday expectations are ended. I know Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and good cheer, but for many years now, it has been just OK. I think that probably if we would forgo with the expensive gift giving and use the money to help those in need, we would feel much better. I think that Merle and I may want to think about some changes for next year.