We tried to make the best of it this past weekend by planning a little getaway. It consisted of a ski day at Eldora and a night in Boulder. Eldora is a small, close-by ski resort. Neither Merle or yours truly had been there in many, many years. However, with increasing gas prices and over 4 hours of round trip driving to ski at one of the bigger resorts, we decided to give it a try. It was just OK. I think if the snow had been better, it would have been more enjoyable. However, it was a little melty and made it a little difficult to ski. I'm not the greatest skier anyway and it didn't help my technique. I fell twice. Last time I skied, I didn't fall at all. We still had a good time and got in lots of runs before calling it quits around 2 in the afternoon.
I'd found us a ski and lodging deal that was great. We were able to get two adult all day lift tickets and one night's lodging for $138. The lifts tickets alone for the two of us would have been $60/each, so the lodging included option was too good to pass up. We stayed at Foot of the Mountain Motel at the mouth of the Boulder Canyon. Eldora is only 45 minutes from Boulder, so after returning to the motel, we flopped down on the bed and had naps. After that we walked around a bit and then headed to the Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant for their most delicioso chips and salsa and margaritas.
Margaritas at the Rio are an intoxicating experience - literally. (Go to the Rio link. The introduction includes a margarita and it makes my mouth water just looking at it.) They are very good, but we always limit ourselves to one. They have a 3 margarita limit and frankly, we don't know how anyone can drink 3 of them and still be able to function, must less drive anywhere. However, I do know that people drink that many and sadly (dangerously), they do drive. This time, after one apiece, with our better judgement slightly clouded, we decided to indulge again by sharing another one. We ate two bowls of chips with their to-die-for salsa and had our usual entrees of Tacos Al Carbon. It was a totally satisfying experience. We left in a state of margaphoria and went back to the motel. Merle watched bull riding on the tele and I read with my Mp3 player stuck in my ears. Every once in a while I would glance at the television and recoil in horror at the sight of a huge bull and a rag doll looking cowboy engaged in a fairly violent looking dance. I don't think either one of them could have been having a good time.
I had always thought that the bull's testicles were bound by a special strap and that was why it bucked. However, after Googling this topic, I find that the majority of the material says this is not the case. I'm not sure what to believe.
If you ask me, I'd say the rope in this picture is in a testicularly strategic postion but maybe my knowledge of bull anatomy isn't up to par.