
Crazy Four Wheel Drive

OK. For those of you who are not into 4WD, I understand. I myself, find it sometimes a bit much, particularly some of the craziness that can accompany it with some individuals. However, they have a good time and as long as they don't hurt anyone (including themselves), what they choose to do their vehicle is their business. Believe me, they are having a good time.

There are some rigged out rigs shown on the video that are doing body damaging things. This is the purpose of those vehicles. They are built to sustain body and undercarriage damage, for the most part. Pretty much their sole purpose in life is to drive over ridiculously big boulders, fall over and sometimes roll over.

Merle and I both have Jeep Wranglers and yes, I have and still occasionally drive 4WD trails, mostly in Moab, Utah. I have also driven through and over some difficult obtstacles there. At other times, I've driven around them as they tended to scare the behooties out of me (yes, behooties is a real word - at least in my vocabulary).

Hope you enjoy the video. I really like the U2 soundtrack.