Devil's Tower Visitor Center parking lot. 9:30 a.m.. It was only 2 miles from our campground - uphill all the way. But we made it and boy, was it fun going down. (You can't see them very well in the picture above, but our helmets are there) This is the infamous Devil's Tower in Wyoming. It's much more spectacular in person. We grabbed a person walking by and asked them to take this picture. Behind us there were 3-4 groups of climbers making their way up the cracks in this beast. Using our binoculars, we found our KOA neighbors up there. They are avid climbers from Colorado, looking between the ages of 45 - 60, all very fit. We were impressed. Apparently, they come here every Labor Day weekend and climb the Tower.

Here's another view of our campsite.

At 9:00p tonight we are taking our lawn chairs and snacks to watch "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". They show it outside nightly here at the KOA......................it just doesn't get any better than this.
Last evening at 9:00p we went to the last scheduled ranger talk for the season at the Devil's Tower campground. We always make a point to go to the ranger talks wherever we are that they are available. They are so "vacation" and we have always enjoyed them, even the one we went to where the young volunteer ranger read a Dr. Suess story for us. However, the one last night was about prehistory in this area, arrowheads, migrations and all that sort of thing. It was fairly interesting, but after a full day of driving 370 miles here pulling the trailer while bucking a strong headwind, setting up camp, moving our little camper by hand to a better position, making dinner and taking a shorter bike ride, we were pooped and I could barely stay awake. Needless to say, we slept very well.
I was snoozing heavily this morning around 6:30a when Merle nudged me awake. "Leann, there are balloons outside." Sure enough, 4 beautiful big hot air balloons were taking off over at the edge of the campground. What a treat! They slowly made their way close to the Tower. Here are a couple of pictures I took. In the second one, I wanted you to see our view of the tower this morning with the balloon next to it.

At 9:00p tonight we are taking our lawn chairs and snacks to watch "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". They show it outside nightly here at the KOA......................it just doesn't get any better than this.
1 comment:
I cannot believe you are at a KOA campground, that is so kitschy! I have always thought it seems really fun. Wacky neighbors, smores, air stream trailors. Rad. So...are you going to do anything for YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! I will bring you a fabulous present when I come in November. Perhaps I will bring you Tina! I am sure she would love tearing full speed through your home and doing "run by bitings". Yes, it's true, Tina craves the flesh of the innocent....Jonathan seems to get bit a lot....me, not so much.
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