This is a first time experience for both Merle and I and we are excited to watch it unfold. The expectant couple may be moving back here to Colorado from Arkansas before the birth, so it's going to be an interesting interval. Plans are in the works and details are to be ironed out before any final move decisions, but it's looking more and more like this will be a Colorado Native baby. 
SNOWWe battened down the hatches yesterday in preparation for the first winter snow forecast of the season. Finally this morning it started in a very beautifully calm way. Big, puffy snowflakes drifted and swirled around outside our big windows. We sat with our coffee mesmerized with all that white tumbling. It was like we were looking into a really big snow globe. I couldn't resist taking a video and sharing it with you.
It's now about 4 hours later, the snow has stopped and most of it has melted. This is Colorado and that's how quickly our weather changes. Yesterday it was 75 degrees Farenheit and I hiked in shorts. Temperatures are predicted in the 60's and 70's for the rest of the week.
Take care of yourself.