
It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.......

I have a very part time job doing bookkeeping for a small, one owner landscape company. I work out of the owner's home. It's a nice place to work and there is minimal stress. In fact, I actually have a good time most of the time. Part of this is because of my animal work companions. Two cats and one dog. I've mentioned Darby the Dog before. I've known her since she first came to live at the house when she was a little puppy. Since then she has only gotten cuter. My typical day always includes a very enthusiastic greeting from Darby who acts like she hasn't seen me for a very long time and then several affectionate encounters throughout the time I am there. Of the two cats, only one makes her presence known. Aquina generally resides on the desk where I work. When she wants attention (on her terms, of course), she is pretty obnoxious. If I can't find a particular paper that was earlier sitting on the desk, it's usually been pushed off of the desk by Aquina during one of her cat stretching "scratch my furry belly" sessions. I've learned that when I leave the office to make sure all paperwork is secured with binder clips in a neat pile so she can't lose something for me. She is also a checkbook and general paper chewer. The checkbook has been severely abused and we now make sure it's in a drawer.
The other cat, is Durany (spelling may be incorrect - it's an unusual name). I rarely see this cat who apparently spends most of her time atop a bookshelf somewhere else in the house.
Darby and Aquina have a love/hate relationship. Aquina lets Darby chew on her some, up to a certain point when Darby gets a little too rough. Today, Aquina was sitting behind a tall, floor vase and Darby had her cornered. At anytime Aquina could have escaped easily, but she just played along, wapping (like slapping, but not as hard) Darby on the head with her paws while Darby tried to get a paw in her mouth. They are quite a pair and provide me with many moments of entertainment.