This image is from this really fancy French food blog (unlike yours truly).
Merle and I spent Thanksgiving Day afternoon at my mother's house along with a couple of other guests she invited. It was quite sedate compared to the typical Thanksgiving celebration at her house. A typical Thanksgiving Day at my mothers' would include a multitude of overactive children and teenagers. Various wild and crazy sisters accompanied by their standard husbands of a less volatile nature and one or two dogs. Fattening Foods would be stacked in heaps on the long kitchen counter and everyone would be talking at once. However, this past year has seen an upheaval in family relations, so we wait and see what the future holds for family gatherings.
The day after we took a trip to Boulder looking for one of those revolving colored lights for our old silver Christmas tree. Here is our tree - we LOVE it!

The whole day Saturday we helped them put everything in storage except for those things they will need in their temporary home. We then moved them into their temporary home in my mother's basement. A very nice basement including large bedroom, large family room with huge big screen TV, a fireplace, a pool table and a very nice large bathroom. They will be residents of this fine abode until they "get on their feet". Jobs, saving money and then moving to affordable digs with the dogs.
Today, Merle and I have enjoyed being home, taking a brisk bike ride in the foothills, sitting in the sun on the deck eating cranberry salsa and chips and then each doing our projects. We'll watch a movie later on. Here's my project- it's called Christmas Branches. Branches and pine cones from the yard, fake snow lightly sprayed on branches, chartreuse lights.