We had a one year vow renewal ceremony for our expectant daughter and her husband. That was two weeks ago. A week from today they will be moved into their temporary quarters here in Colorado until they get jobs and their own place of abode. The baby is due in early June.
I helped my son-in-law with his resume earlier this week. If I say so myself, it looks pretty darn good. In my past capacity as a manager for several years, I had the occasion to review many resumes. I've also written those for myself and my husband. Based upon those experiences, I have what I consider to be a very nice looking and professional standard resume format. One of the features of this resume is to include a picture of the applicant. With digital photography, it is very easy to insert one in a Word resume. As a prior employer, I would have liked to have a preview of my potential employee. Yes, I know, we should not base our judgements on physical appearances, but nevertheless, it does not hurt to be very open about yourself - to a point. I stress "to a point" as providing too much personal information is detrimental. Keep it professional, but also employer friendly. Click this link to see a sample of this resume. Note: In order to get a link to this document I had to upload it into Google Docs. In the translation, the resume header turned out differently and not quite as striking, but at least you get the idea. Also, be sure to put your own picture on it - not Mona Lisa's - I'm sure I didn't have to mention that, though.
I'm in the midst of several art projects. I never did complete a painting on the canvas I posted many posts ago and I now have a very large canvas on the easel. I have painted a nice yellow background at which point my brain has gone into the "stumped artist" mode. However, I am determined to do something on top of all of that yellow sometime this week. I've also been illustrating a children's book I wrote and illustrated long ago. I am not happy with the old illustrations, so I'm doing them over. Someday I'll get a few copies made to give to friends and relatives with children. It's going to take some time. Here is one of the illustrations I've completed.

I am also collaborating with a girl friend on another one or two children's books. She is a good writer in my opinion and we are discussing how to proceed. The danger in my illustrating her stories is that many publishers who might accept her manuscript, might not accept my artwork. They would not accept my artwork and not her story. It just wouldn't work that way since my illustrations are custom made for her story. So, it's another one of those risky art business things that are par for the course.
I am also planning to complete a Christmas card in time to be mailed and then I am waiting to hear if any of the designs I submitted for a large fiberglass heart project here in our town will be accepted. I submitted three and I suppose I could possibly end up painting three - but who knows. I may have an extremely busy winter and that would be fine with me.
Winter is not my favorite time of year - except when the snow is very beautiful as it gently tumbles down outside of our big windows and I'm laying on the couch reading while covered with a very soft and fleecy blanket. Yeah, that part is nice............
Well, I ended up writing too much again. Here I was thinking there was nothing to write and suddenly I couldn't stop myself.
Toodle - doo.